Buddhist shrine with statues

New Statues Project

New Statues and Shrine coming soon to Vajrapani Centre

We have the good fortune to be receiving 8 foot Buddha and his lotus, as well as other new statues from the Kadampa art Studio, similar to the beautiful and inspiring shrine and statues at KMC Leeds, below. This will bring very powerful blessings for our Centre and the local area, but we need help to make this happen.

Buddhist shrine and statues at Kadampa Meditation Centre Leeds

We need to roll 1,000 mantra rolls to fill Buddha’s lotus, which we will do at the Centre later in the year or beginning of next year. If you would like to learn and be part of the mantra rolling, below are the dates and times to learn and help. Please contact us which dates and times you wish to attend.

Buddha statue lotus base

There will be further dates September onwards.

Kelsang Varahi with new buddha statues set for Vajrapani Centre.