What to expect at our classes
Drop-in Meditation Classes
Weekend Meditation Courses
Special Events
Chill Down Fridays
Meditation Retreats
Chanted Prayers
In Depth Study Classes
Please Note: FP and TTP are not a drop-in class, students commit to attend each week. If you are interested in trying out either FP or TTP please contact us.
Why is there a charge for the classes?
We are a registered charity run entirely by volunteers, and not for profit. The funds we receive are used to pay for our venues, operating expenses and maintenance of the centre building. Although there is a charge for the classes we want to make them accessible to all, so If you are struggling with the cost of classes or courses, please speak to us about that, no one will ever be turned away for lack of funds.
Do I have to book online?
Please try to book online for weekend courses and other events. For weekly classes booking online is useful, but you can just turn up and pay on the door. You can also get a discount on all our weekly meditation classes by buying a Series Ticket online.
Do I have to wait for the next series of classes to begin?
No, please feel free to drop in whenever you like. Attending the entire series of classes is highly beneficial, as each class builds on the next. However, each class is taught in such a way that if you only attend one class, you will derive benefit from it.
Will I have to sit on the floor?
Although some classes do have the option to sit on the floor, there are always chairs available. However, If there is a special reason why you need to sit on the floor please let us know and we can reserve a mat for you.
What should I wear?
There are no dress requirements, please wear whatever you feel comfortable in.
We do ask that you remove your shoes when entering the meditation room.
What if I am not religious or practice a religion other than Buddhism?
Everyone is welcome to attend. Anyone can learn basic meditation and experience the benefits. Buddhism is a non-evangelical religion. Buddhists respect all people and are happy to help anyone regardless of whether they subscribe to another faith or to none. We make Buddhas teachings available to everyone with the belief that they are practical methods to solve daily problems.
I have never meditated before, are these classes suitable for me?
Yes, classes are open to everyone regardless of experience. Instructions on how to do the meditations are provided by the teacher who will also guide you through the meditation. If you do struggle with the meditation you can always just sit there and relax for a while!
Everyone, both Buddhist and non-Buddhist, needs permanent liberation from suffering, and pure and everlasting happiness